waterproofing of swimming pools (under tiles),
Chemical-treatment tanks and roofs with high traffic.

The substrate should be clean, dry and dust free. Vacuum treatment or high pressure washing is recommended to remove dust. The waterproofing liquid membrane should be applied atleast 28 days old concrete or other cementitious substrate. The primer application can be done over the damp concrete surface also. But any ponding water should be removed before the primer application
APPLICATION OF PRIMERGeodesmo 50 can be applied with brush, roller or airless spraying on concrete, subject to substrate porosity. It has a very fast curing profile, which allows it to be used more successfully in colder climates and when rain is not very predictable. The main liquid membrane can be applied after 2-3 hours of primer application

Inner angles and small cracks should be treated with Hyperseal®-Expert-150 polyurethane based sealant or Hyperseal®-25 LM-S. In case, there are any spots on the concrete surface that need repair, filling or smoothing like large cracks & cavities, Hygrosmart Fibre or Epoxy resin-21T is used with potential incorporation of silica sand.
APPLICATION OF WATERPROOFING MEMBRANEHYPERDESMO® -300 is applied in one or two successive coats by using roller or spray. The product has certified according to ETAG 033 that holds a CE mark with an assumed intended working life of 25 years. Due to its thixotropic properties, it is easily applied on slope as well as vertical substrates without sagging.
- Detailed specifications with respect to individual project and application conditions.
- Required consumption or coverage details along with application methods.