Water Retaining Structures

HYPERDESMO®-2K-W is a two component, thixotropic, solvent free coating based on high quality elastomeric polyurethane resins, which is certified for using in potable water tanks. With 100% solid content, it produces a strong flexible/elastic membrane completely impermeable by water after polymerisation of liquid membrane. Unlike many conventional coating products there is no need of a protective top coat on this system.
Typical Specification
HYPERDESMO®-2K-W shall be applied on internal surface over the coat of primer AQUASMART®– DUR.The product shall be certified for potable water (O.T.E.C institute in accordance to the EU guideline 98/83/EC), having excellent chemical and mechanical resistance. The cured membrane shall have tensile strength >20 MPa, adhesion to concrete > 2 MPa and water absorption <0.5%.
Application Method
Surface Preparation
Before starting the actual waterproofing treatment, the substrate shall be tested for the soundness of the surface. If any spalled or unsound surface is found, it shall be removed and resurfaced using polymer modified repair mortars. The surface should be cleaned from all loose materials, oil, laitance and any other construction debris.
AQUASMART®-DUR shall be mixed well and applied using roller /brush over the prepared RCC surface as a primer that shall be self-cured.
Joints Filling
Joints and inner angles should be treated with Polyurethane based sealant HYPERSEAL®-EXPERT-150.
Application of Waterproofing Membrane
HYPERDESMO®-2KW can be applied in one single coat over horizontal surfaces and in multiple coats on vertical surfaces. As HYPERDESMO®-2KW is certified for usage in direct contact with potable water no topcoat or protection layer is required for drinking water tanks and several other types of domestic water tanks.

Swimming pools are those water retaining structures that can be subject to both positive and negative water pressure promoting seepage through the concrete structure. Architects, consultants and specifiers usually seek aesthetic as well as comprehensive waterproofing solutions for their swimming pools. Alchimica provides solutions for best performing swimming pools through innovative and advanced waterproofing technologies.
HYPERDESMO®-2K-W is a two component, thixotropic, solvent free coating based on high quality elastomeric polyurethane resins, which is certified for using in potable water tanks. With 100% solid content, it produces a strong flexible-elastic membrane completely impermeable by water after polymerisation of liquid membrane. It shall be overcoated by AQUASMART®–TC 2K POOL PROTECT which is a two component, water based, aliphatic coating giving exceptional resistance to chlorine treated water as well as UV resistance in any colour.
Typical Specification
HYPERDESMO®-2K-W shall be applied on internal surface over the coat of primer AQUASMART®-DUR. It shall be overcoated by AQUASMART® –TC 2K POOL PROTECT after minimum 24 hours. The product shall be certified for potable water (O.T.E.C institute in accordance to the EU guideline 98/83/EC), having excellent chemical and mechanical resistance. The cured membrane shall have tensile strength >20 MPa, adhesion to concrete > 2 MPa and water absorption <0.5%.
External Surface Treatment: In case of submerged swimming pools, the external surface shall be treated with AQUASMART®-PB solvent free, seamless PU based waterproofing membrane after a primer coat of AQUASMART®-DUR. The cured membrane shall have minimum 200% elongation property, < 4% water absorption and minimum shore A hardness 50. The coating shall be protected by medium duty Dimple sheet before back filling.
Application Method
Surface Preparation
All waterproofing treatment performances are based on the soundness and suitability of the surface. The surface shall be cleaned from all loose materials, oil, laitance and any other construction debris. The surface shall be free from spalling and unevenness, if in case the surface is very uneven, then it shall be resurfaced using polymer modified repair mortars.
Application of Primer
AQUASMART®– DUR shall be mixed well and applied using roller /brush over the prepared RCC surface as a primer that shall be self-cured.
Joint Filling
Joints and inner angles should be treated with polyurethane based sealant HYPERSEAL®-EXPERT-150 or HYPERSEAL®-25LM-S.
Application of Waterproofing Membrane
HYPERDESMO®-2K-W shall be applied in one single coat over horizontal surfaces and in multiple coats on vertical surfaces. HYPERDESMO® -2K-W is certified for usage in direct contact with potable water and needs no protection layer. In case of protection from high chlorinated water the coating shall be overcoated by AQUASMART® –TC 2K POOL PROTECT.
External Surface Treatment: In case of submerged swimming pools, the external surface shall be treated with AQUASMART® -PB in one or two coats and protected with medium-duty dimple sheet.

HYPERDESMO®-D-2K is a two-component, solvent-free pure hydrophobic polyurethane resin, which upon curing forms a strong membrane of moderate elasticity with outstanding adhesion to the substrate. The excellent abrasion and chemical resistance properties of HYPERDESMO®-D-2K makes it resilient to aggressive environments and so the most suitable and certified for sewage & effluent tanks.
Typical Specification
HYPERDESMO®-D-2K shall be applied in the internal surface over a primer coat of AQUASMART®-DUR and no further protective layer is required. The cured membrane shall have hardness >60 Shore D, tensile strength >30 MPa and adhesion to concrete >4 MPa. The product shall be CE certified for expected 25 years’ service life.
Application Method
Surface Preparation
All waterproofing treatment performances are based on the soundness and suitability of the surface. The surface shall be cleaned from all loose materials, oil, laitance and any other construction debris. The surface shall be free from spalling and unevenness, if in case the surface is very uneven, then it shall be resurfaced using polymer modified repair mortars.
Application of Primer
AQUASMART®-DUR shall be mixed well and applied in one coat that will Self-cure in 12-24 hours depends up-on the climatic conditions.
PU Sealant Application
Joints and inner angles should be treated with HYPERSEAL®-EXPERT-150 Polyurethane based sealant.
Application of Waterproofing Membrane
HYPERDESMO®-D-2K shall be applied by roller/ brush or Airless Spray machine over the base coat in two coats and allowed to cure. If applied in sequel layers, generally it shall not be allowed to exceed 48 hours between coats.
- Detailed specifications with respect to individual project and application conditions.
- Required consumption or coverage details along with application methods.