
Exposed roofs

Exposed Roofs

The roof slabs that are exposed and cannot be overlaid by a protection layer, should be waterproofed by an excellent light weight UV resistant medium which will also have good abrasion resistance and elongation properties. While there are limited solutions available, we have a range of high-performance PU Coatings suitable for exposed roofs.
A single component, pure elastomeric hydrophobic polyurethane resin with special inorganic fillers. HYPERDESMO® CLASSIC has an excellent mechanical, chemical, thermal, UV and natural element resistance properties.
A single component, aliphatic polyurethane fluid forming a transparent membrane, of excellent elasticity, and high tensile strength with uniform adhesion over the substrate providing the colour and traffic protection to HYPERDESMO® systems.
A Single component, fully aliphatic application which is humidity activated with maximum consumption without any bubbling or shrinkages, ideally suitable for heavy duty waterproofing applications in a single coat application.


A single component, all weather rapid curing, polyurethane liquid membrane based on Humidity-Activated-Accelerator Technology. Due to its unique formulation, it cures rapidly to form a completely defect free membrane with excellent mechanical and elastomeric properties. This product is ideal for use during the winter months or in climates with relatively low humidity.

Typical Specification

HYPERDESMO® Liquid Applied Membrane having a CE mark certification for expected 25 years’ service life shall be applied in 2 coats over a primer coat of MICROSEALER-50 on the prepared surface.

Application Method

Surface Preparation

Before starting the actual waterproofing treatment, the surface is cleaned from loose materials like sand and dust by Grinding/wire brush and finally cleaned with air blower.

Application of Primer

Microsealer-50 shall be mixed well and applied using roller/brush over the prepared RCC surface in one coat and self-cured for about 12-24 hours which depends up-on the climatic conditions.

PU Sealant Application

Joints and inner angles should be treated with HYPERSEAL®-EXPERT-150 Polyurethane based sealant.

Application of Waterproofing Membrane

Since the exposed terrace area is subjected to thermal stress, it is strongly recommended to provide highly elastic (Having High Elongation property) PU Based seamless coating (HYPERDESMO® Liquid Applied Membranes) also having CE Certification for 25 Years’ Service Life.
HYPERDESMO® CLASSIC is mixed well and applied using roller/airless spray in two successive layers over the prepared and primed surface.

For abrasion resistance and colour protection, it is highly recommended to apply an aliphatic pigmented protective top coat (HYPERDESMO®-ADY-E)

  • Confirmation or re-engineering of the typical specifications with respect to individual project and application conditions.
  • The required consumption or coverage details along with application methods shall be available.